Are you in the Northern or Luapula province and are interested in tourism services, please register with ZATO for a product development 2 days workshop in Samfya by ZATO and CBI department of the Dutch government - our Dutch partner responsible for the promotion of import and exports from developing countries into Europe.
The workshop is free and all meals during the workshop are covered. Get yourself there and secure your lodging facilities. The workshop is scheduled for mid June
We are looking for 25 participants. Register here >>>
On 8th of August, 2023 ZATO signed an MUO with HCAZ to initiate the collaboration on areas of common interest in the Zambian Tourism Industry.
Are you a council, local traditional leader or tourism stakeholder? Then join Zato & CBI Tourism Leadership Workshop in Samfya.
9 - 14th August 2023
Register directly at
Following ZATO and CBI’s visit to Samfya in June 2022, on a tourism exploration mission and workshop, the Samfya team also decided to visit Livingstone.
On the 18th of August, 2022, the Samfya team's visit finally happened for a 5 days tourism experience and orientation..
Product development, Packaging and Marketing of enroute products, Samfya and the surrounding areas. Samfya is an alternative get way to the Northern Province for many great cultural experiences, legendary stories, traditional Ceremonies and amazing Water Falls and finally, Lake Tanganyika and its offerings.
ZATO's message for the community was to develop some tourism experiences around the wild animals and not get agitated by them. That way the communities would value the wildlife.
ZATO - CATS, MOU signing graced by the Mayor of Livingstone on the 14th of February 2022. Present were Ministry of Tourism, ZTA, Museum, Official from the DC's office, DNPW and the Media.