Terms and Conditions

On this page you find the terms and conditions of a ZATO membership.

Zato is an Association of Indigenous local Tour Operators in Zambia. Formed to address and lobby with the government on challenges faced by Indigenous local Tour Operators and to engage Government on various tourism concerns.

Terms and Conditions


a.    There shall be paid by every applicant for ordinary membership such application fees as shall be determined by the Management Council from time to time.

b.    There shall be paid by every ordinary member of the Association such annual subscriptions in respect of every calendar year as shall be determined by the Management Council from time to time. Annual subscriptions shall be due and payable on 1st January every year or in the case of a new member, within 30 days of being notified of the acceptance of their membership application. Such annual subscription fee may be proratable for new applicants for part of the year at the discretion of the Council.

c.     There shall be paid by every ordinary member or such members as may be determined by members at their ordinary or extra-ordinary meeting such contributions for such specific purpose as shall be agreed at such a meeting. Such contributions shall be due and payable within 30 days of the date of service of demand notice for the contribution.


a.    To uphold and adhere to the code of business ethics issued from time to time by Association.

b.    To pay promptly within 45 days of the date of becoming due, annual membership subscriptions and such fees, fines, contributions and other dues as shall be determined from time to time.

c.     To attend members’ meetings called by the Management Council from time to time.

d.    To participate and support the policies and activities of the Association at all times.


a.    Every ordinary member who has no financial liability to the Association shall have the right to: -

       i. Vote at any meeting of members or appoint a proxy to vote on their behalf. The proxy shall only to vote not in a General election but other decisions that need consensus.

        ii. Be voted into the Management Council or any committee of the Association;

       iii.  Seek the association’s arbitration in a dispute with another member if both are agreeable to such arbitration.

b.    Every member shall have the right to: -

       i. Receive the Association’s newsletters and other publications from time to time;

       ii. Seek and obtain information and guidance from the Association;

      iii. Participate in the activities and functions organized by the association under such terms and conditions which will apply equally to all members as may be prescribed by the Management Council.

·         For removal of doubts, it is hereby declared that no warranty or guarantee is attached to any advice, guidance, suggestion or anything said or done by the Association, hence the Association or any of its officials or employees shall not be held responsible for any loss or damage that may be suffered as a result of acting or relying on the Association’s advice, guidance, suggestion or attending or participating in any activity or function organized by the Association.


a.    A member shall cease to be a member of the Association if: -

      i. The member gives thirty days’ notice in writing of his intention to withdraw his membership;

      ii. The member is declared bankrupt or goes into liquidation voluntarily or compulsorily, or enters into a deed of arrangement with his creditors;

      iii. The member’s tourism license is revoked or its renewal refused.

b.    The Management Council may fine, suspend or expel a member who: -

      i. Fails to pay subscription fees dues, fines or contributions due and payable to Association within 30 days of being warned of the intention to take such action against him by a registered letter mailed to him at his last known address;

      ii. Contravenes the Association’s constitution, rules, code of business ethics or regulations provided that no such action shall be taken against a member before being given an opportunity to defend himself or herself before the Management Council.

c.     Any member who resigns or expelled shall not be entitled to the refund of any fees, subscriptions, contributions, etc. paid to the Association.


A former member eligible for membership may apply for membership and may be admitted on such terms as the Management Council may decide.

Tourism For Inclusive Growth

Why Become a Member

ZATO is the tourism association in Zambia that helps your business grow. We are strong advocates for your interest. Support you in marketing your products domestic and international.
Be the first to sell new community experiences and stay on top of the lastest government and market information

  • Market your products to all members
  • Get help of experts to grow your business
  • Together we are strong tourism advocates
  • Get important market information first

Membership Category

Ordinary Members

Open to all class “A” Tourist Agents License holders

Associate Members

Open to holders of the Tourist Agents License other than class “A”.

Affiliate Member

Open to persons/organizations engaged in the tourist related industry within or outside Zambia.
Register as a Member
The ZATO Team